01. Finally Made Me Happy Ft. Natalie Cole
02. Shoo Be Doo
03. What I Gotta Do
04. Okay
05. Glad You're Here Ft. Fergie
06. Ghetto Love
07. One For Me
08. Strange Behavior
09. Slowly
10. Get Out
11. Treat Me Like Your Money Ft. Will.I.Am
12. Everybody
13. AEIOU (Bonus)
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For a while there, the helium-voiced Macy Gray seemed to be coasting instead of crashing down the walls between funk, rock, and R&B the way scads of breathless music pundits once said she would. That was before will.i.am and a handful of other skillful knob-twisters entered her life. Now, multi-genre destruction and utter domination once again seem possible: Big, as its title suggests, is a huge record--bold in all the right places and subdued where it needs to be; scruffy around the edges but slick below the surface; at once nonchalant and reckless to the bone. Gray, in her way, is a vocal Timbaland--it's tempting to think she's too imposing to make a random-seeming hook-up work, but she stretches her singular gift around pretty much any collaborator a producer can throw at her, and with style to burn. On Big, those tossed on for the challenge include Natalie Cole, who lights up opener "Finally Made Me Happy"; Nas, who gives up the grit likably on "Ghetto Love"; and Fergie, who coos efficiently throughout "Glad You're Here." As vibes go, the one given off here is cool, casual, and slightly crazy--all Macy, in other words. She does her thing up right, and she does it Big.